Details of Concealed Hinge

Feb 26, 2014

    Concealed hinges are hinges used in furniture construction which are designed to be invisible when doors are closed. A new concealed hinge promises fast door removal and replacement and is vibration resistant. The hinge consists of two components, a door leaf that contains the hinge pin and a frame leaf that engages the pin. The hinge is made of stainless steel and is said to be suitable for use in heavy-load applications.
    When building new furniture, it is a good idea to select fittings such as hinges in the early stages. This ensures that the needs of the hinges can be accommodated in the original design, rather than being addressed as an afterthought. Like other hinges, concealed hinges do benefit from some regular maintenance. If they become stiff or creaky, it can be a good idea to wipe them down and oil them.

    There are a number of reasons to opt for concealed hinges. From an aesthetic perspective, people may prefer invisible hinges because they create a cleaner, less cluttered look. Having hinges on the inside also makes cleaning easier, as the hinges are not on the exterior where they can trap dirt and grime. In areas where cleanliness is important, this can be a critical consideration.

    Another advantage of concealed hinges is that they are very easy to adjust. Because the fittings are on the inside, if the hinges need to be moved or adjusted, the scars left behind will not be immediately visible. Some concealed hinges are actually designed for adjustment in situ, allowing people to leave the hinge in its original position and make small adjustments up or down if a door moves off center. Many concealed hinges are clip on-off, which allows people to take the entire door off very easily, another convenient feature.
